Speech of the “September 23” Movement of the International Symposium against Imperialist Aggression in Greece (14-16th February 2020)
Proletarian internationalism is the most important principle of relations between the national parties of the organizations of the proletariat. The objective class basis on which the proletarian internationalism naturally arises is the general class interests of the proletariat from different nations.
The principle of proletarian internationalism was scientifically substantiated by Marx and Engels, who demonstrated its importance in the struggle for the liberation of the working class. They emphasized heavily the necessity the political vanguard of the working class to educate the people of wage labour in the spirit of international solidarity. Already in the Manifesto of the Communist Party was raised the slogan “Proletarians of all countries, unite!”.
The proletarian liberation struggle in each country is developing on a national basis. The proletariat on every country is fighting “its” bourgeoisie, but at the same time the world proletariat has common class interests and a common class enemy in the face of the bourgeoisie from around the world. In this struggle, it must be borne in mind that, on one hand, the world bourgeoisie – owing to its general economic interests – forms a “real masonic brotherhood” against the working people, but, on other hand, it is divided into strata and separate groups with specific interest that run counter each other. These groups, unionsin and military alliances of the bourgeoisie are in constant competition and conflict between themselves for profits, markets, and spheres of influence. The bourgeoisie of the great imperialist states seeks to subjugate and exploit the peoples and resources of other weaker countries by clashing with the interests of large popular masses in these countries = the most destructive form of these conflicts is the wars for global hegemony between the most powerful imperialist countries. Such was the nature of the two world wars in the first half of the 20th century.
After the First World War, the first socialist state in the world (USSR) emerged. Until the outbreak of World War II, the Soviet state remained united and developed in an imperialist environment. However, World War II began as a war between two imperialist military alliances rather than the united imperialist states against the USSR. It turned out that the contradictions between the imperialist states were so strong that instead of a united front of imperialism against the USSR, a united front was formed, headed by the USSR against the most powerful and dangerous imperialist aggressor – Hitlerist Germany. This predetermined the defeat and unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, which was at the same time the defeat of the most dangerous enemy of the proletariat in the whole world. The result of World War II was a major weakening of the entire world system of imperialism, the victory of socialism in a number of countries, including the country with the largest population in the world of China, and a radical change in the balance of powers in the world in favor of socialism.
After the end of the World War II, the United States became the only and indisputable dominant power in the capitalist world. As early as 1945, President Truman openly declared that as a result of the victory in the war the American nation has got the obligation to rule the world. From that moment on, the imposition with all means of world domination has become the main task of US foreign policy.
Following the restoration of capitalism and the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the 20th century, the United States remained the only military superpower in the world, a major pillar of international reaction and an exploiter and enemy of all nations of the world, including the working people of the United States.
But during the last two decades, a certain decline of the US capability to impose its interests on the world scene is clearly observable. The US weakening is a result of the deepening of the general crisis of the capitalist economic system and, in its turn, contributes to further sharpening of the crisis processes. This will create much more favorable conditions for the growth of the struggle of the peoples for independence and socialism.
On the basis of the brief analysis a conclusion has to be drawn that nowadays the communist organizations all over the world can and must work for the build up of the International Anti-Imperialist Front, the tasks of which should be:
- Support and solidarity with progressive states, governments, parties and organizations that are subject to threats, sanctions and armed aggression by the United States and its satellites. Solidarity and support in this case should be given priority over ideological differences and disputes, including with parties and organizations in the own country. On this basis, we must create or join united fronts, or at least organize interaction on specific issues with other parties and organizations, both inside and outside the country. This interaction should take place not only “from the bellow” with the rank-and-file members of other parties and organizations, but if possible “from above” with their leadership.
- But creating such united fronts should by no means mean loss of our ideological and organizational identity. On the contrary, in the process of interaction and common struggle within the united fronts, we must preserve and strengthen our ideological and organizational independence and expand our influence. As communist organizations and members of the broad anti-imperialist front, we must organize the struggle within our own countries in defense of the interests of our proletariat and we must support each other and show international revolutionary solidarity in this struggle.
- Support and solidarity with progressive parties and organizations and their members who are subject to persecution and repression by the US and reactionary regimes supported by the US.
- Countering psychological warfare led by propaganda centers of American imperialism against governments, parties, and organizations that oppose US policy and their satellites.
Support and solidarity with the existing socialist states in which the working-class parties run. To this end, we must determine which countries we consider socialist. This is a very important issue and we need to exchange views and believe that it is necessary to have a more in-depth discussion. In such a debate, we should clarify and specify the content of basic concepts such as socialism, imperialism, etc., based on the basic principles of revolutionary Marxism-Leninism (developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Dimitrov …).